Friday, October 12, 2012

Dear blog

Never regret that I created this internet space 9 years ago.

Just wanted to let you know dear blog,

That I am still well alive,
doing good.

So sorry we missed our 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th anniversary.

Lots of things happened! So many things changed! As I look back, I laugh at all the things I've gone through as a teenager. I laughed at the way I thought, at the things I record, and even from the way I typed my words.

I DonT TpYE LiKe ThIs AnYmORe. WitH -={FlOwErLY]=- WorD TyPoloGy.

Neither do I like to HIGHLIGHT MY KEY WORDS. 

I guess plain old black and white text should be fine for now =)

Vivent-le-reve, living the dream, ah, how true

I am now living the dream. As much as I was clueless about life 9 years ago, I guess I really did had alot of faith to title my blog "living the dream"

But wherever God takes me, I guess my dear blog will be a permanent imprint of my past life, thanks for being the benchmark to tell me how far I've come, and how much further I must go.

Love you!
Till next time!

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